History of the Lubby Project


A few code corrections have been made.


The backend is moved from postgresql to MS SQL-Server and the Glassfish application server will make place for a .NET Core Server. The code has been completely rewritten in C#. Because we only use the .NET Core MVC Framework, the website can be hosted on Linux. We testet MS SQL-Server on Linux too. We don't know yet which OS to use whatfore. Till now, we only used Linux. There is no Java code left in the project. The knowledge database is devided on language, from now on, Windows and Linux articles can be found in the same database.


We would like to move away from Java and Glassfish. We are thinking about .Net Core and MS SQL Server.


The JSF-Framework has been changed to primefaces.


The Website has been migrated from JEE5 (=Java Enterprise Edition) to JEE6. The Design has been modified to support several languages and was translated into three different languages: English, German and Dutch. The articles stay in the original language. We decided to not create an additional website for errorcodes.


The backend-system has been redesigned and the Website was migrated from PHP to Java Enterprise Edition 5 (= JEE5). An additional Site for error messages will be built: www.fehlermeldungen.org.


We designed a new database with Windows error messages on a testsystem. We made an Update of Prado Framework to version 3.1.2 from April, 21 2008. Upon several minor Changes on the knowledgebase and a short downtime in january, we suffered under bad indexing in the major search engines. It will take a while to reach our former status, but we are back on track. We did an Update to Prado version 3.1.1. We registered several new internet domains for future use.


We designed a Windows knowledge base. From now on, Windows and Linux will be treated evenly (Version 1.0.7). the internal XML layout of our knowledge base articels has been changed. We redesigned the overview pages, for instance now the most recent articels are on top (order by DESC). The Lubby Domain www.lubby.org got its own server!


Prado v3 now has alpha status. From now on, Lubby will be programmed in v3.


A decision has been made: it will be PHP Framework Prado. Wim Peeters favors to do the development of the website with the Prado Framework. The database backend has been finished.


Lubby has been removed from freshmeat.Freshmeat advertises downloadable software, no websites. We respect this decision. The internet domain www.lubby.org has been reserved. The Lubby Project has been presented as universal Linux knowledge base. The presentation was intended for only four persons and has been held in Kisdorf, Germany. As name "Lubby" has been elected, it stands for Linux Universal Base by everybody. Another Meaning is to be contrary to lobby. Lubby stands for an open informations principle.