LKBEN10582: Running windows control panel per command line


You want to run a control panel from the command line




To run the main.cpl Control Panel tool you can type the following commands in the Open box or at a command prompt:

rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl
control main.cpl

The second is easier to remember.

A list of control panels is listed below:

Accessibility Options          control access.cpl
Add New Hardware               control sysdm.cpl add new hardware
Add/Remove Programs            control appwiz.cpl
Date/Time Properties           control timedate.cpl
Display Properties             control desk.cpl
FindFast                       control findfast.cpl
Fonts Folder                   control fonts
Internet Properties            control inetcpl.cpl
Joystick Properties            control joy.cpl
Keyboard Properties            control main.cpl keyboard
Microsoft Exchange             control mlcfg32.cpl
Microsoft Mail Post Office     control wgpocpl.cpl
Modem Properties               control modem.cpl
Mouse Properties               control main.cpl
Multimedia Properties          control mmsys.cpl
Network Properties             control netcpl.cpl
In Windows NT 4.0, Network     control Ncpa.cpl
Password Properties            control password.cpl
PC Card                        control main.cpl pc card (PCMCIA)
Power Management (Windows 95)  control main.cpl power
Power Management (Windows 98)  control powercfg.cpl
Printers Folder                control printers
Regional Settings              control intl.cpl
Scanners and Cameras           control sticpl.cpl
Sound Properties               control mmsys.cpl sounds
System Properties              control sysdm.cpl


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About the Author

Author: Wim Peeters - Keskon GmbH & Co. KG

Wim Peeters is electronics engineer with an additional master in IT and over 30 years of experience, including time spent in support, development, consulting, training and database administration. Wim has worked with SQL Server since version 6.5. He has developed in C/C++, Java and C# on Windows and Linux. He writes knowledge base articles to solve IT problems and publishes them on the Lubby Knowledge Platform.